
Thursday, October 15, 2015

William Sword Feb 2015

William has been working really hard in his Martial Arts class.  It's so nice when you can find the thing that your child has a passion for.  This is something that William takes very seriously because he really wants to excel in it, that and he just loves it.  It helps me to love it that his Dojo is so close, affordable, and they only have 1 tournament a year.  When you have 4 kids in different sports and extra curricular activities this makes things so much easier.
From all his hard work he has earned his own Bokken sword.  He totally swept his last tournament in swords.  I know that he has only been in Martial Arts for a little over a year, but lets face it, he has been practicing swords since he was 2.
He was so proud he wanted to make a stand for it so it would have a safe place.  I took this opportunity to teach him a little of what I know.  We used the scroll saw to cut an hourglass shape for the base then 2 U shapes for the sword to rest in.  After the nail gun and some stain he was just as proud of its stand as he was for his sword
He is so proud of his work and I am so proud of him.

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