
Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Swords Scottish Festival May 2015

So we went to the Scottish festival held at Thanksgiving Point and all of my kids (the big one included) were obsessed with the swords.  The big one has actually been planning on buying one for a year now.  He almost bought one last year but couldn't justify it.  This year after much consideration he was all over it.  
Now that Ellie is making money of her own she just had to buy one too .  William was not to be left out.  He begged and pleaded and gave himself over to servitude for the next 3 month if daddy would help him get one. With all three of them picking out their swords Brennen and Peter could not be left behind.  They had brought their money because they knew the swords were going to be there.  They didn't have quite enough but offered to join William in his pledge to servitude to help earn the rest of the money needed.  Tender heart daddy caved and they were all as happy as can be.
It is worth mentioning that the swords are all Lord of the Rings swords.  If you like that kind of thing that information is important.  
I will admit that I caved into purchasing something as well.  Most know my sticker on the back of my car, well I found a flag with my motto on it and I just had to have it.  I wonder if my neighbors will hate me if I fly it on my front lawn? 

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