
Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Jane's Flowers May 2015

So Scott and I talked a lot about what would happen after all my kids were in school.  I knew I would do some kind of job but couldn't decide on what.  I looked into numerous stay at home computer jobs, but nothing was very inticing to me.  So I held out until I came across an ad on facebook for a floral designer.  I have worked with flowers before, mostly silk but some fresh.  I just had a good feeling about this so I bit the bullet and called to see if it was still open.  I did a mini phone interview and then the owner had me come in to put a few arrangements together to see what I could do.  I was super neverous.  It has been a long time since I had to do something under someone elses eye.  Apparently I did good enough so she hired me.  
I have been working and learning more everyday about fresh flowers.  It was hard in the beginning because I had to learn HER style.  I would do something the way I liked it but it wasn't her taste so she would change it.  That part was a little frustrating.  Once I got the hang of things I enjoyed the little "wins" when she didn't have to change anything.  
During dance seasons, (that is when all the high schools have their formal dances)  it is long hours on my feet all day.  But I am glad to say that I do good dance flowers.  I was proud that our resident "expert" in corsages was told to do things my way.  I have found my niche in this flower shop.  I like being able to be creative every day.  I like that it is flexible with my family and our schedule. My family is adjusting to my new schedule and I am doing better at my time management. If there is a chance that I will be working late I will have a meal prepared ahead of time.  For now it works for me and I am happy that I can do something that I enjoy.
These are some of my first works.  I realize I am crappy at taking pictures of the flowers usually because I am in a hurry but I also don't think about the noisy background.  The one with the orange sunflowers and cat tails was a big win for me.  The arrangement stands 3 feet tall so its much more impressive in real life.  I took the picture at an angle and it really is a front facing arrangement.  However this was one my boss was really impressed with.

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