
Saturday, October 17, 2015

Brenny Mad Scientist BDay 2015

I was really excited for Brennen's birthday this year.  My Brenny is really into science so we thought we should have a science party.  I realize I did a similar party for Ellie many years ago but its is such a good one I thought I could do it again.  To outfit all our scientist I bough some plain white T-shirts in the men's section and cut them right down the middle.  Voila  instant lab coat.  I priced out the goggles and they were just too much for the amount of people we were inviting.  Remember I am a cheap skate and my partied can't cost more than $50.  I did happen to find these swim masks at the dollar store that were perfect for our safety goggles.  Our dollar store didn't have the other kind of goggles, but these worked great and they counted as part of the party favors.  With the party favors the kids got some glow in the dark silly string that I happen to pick up months earlier as a clearance item at Michael's for only 25 cents a piece (super score)
This party was all about the experiments.  The Internet has a million ideas on different experiments you can do with kids so I just picked a few I thought they would like the best.  I made this party a little educational by asking them questions like, what do you think will happen when I mix these? and should I use this bottle or that bottle, how will it change the outcome?  They were riveted.  I love it when I can sneak in some learning.  
We did the elephant toothpaste, the Mento's in the diet soda, exploding baggies, and balloon races
All the kids were loving every minute of it.  They all got to do the experiments themselves.  When you make everything hands on no one gets bored and causes trouble.  The winner is always the Mento's in the soda.  I don't know why they always love that one but they do.  
I love doing this party.  Probably because I myself love science, and partly because the kids are so engaged no matter what their interests.
Happy birthday our Widow.  We love your goofy tender heart.  Keep smiling, and equally important keep laughing.  You do have THE best laugh!

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