
Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Back Yard Camping June 2015

The kids decided they wanted to have a camp out outside.  This was their first camp out all by themselves.  I was all for the idea until they told me they wanted the tent set up and it was already dark outside.  Trying to be a good mom I begrudgingly went outside at 10pm to set up the dang tent.  It would have been faster but they had already gotten everything out and it was strewn all over the yard.  I had to find the pieces in the dark. Once it was set up they dragged all their blankets, pillows, flashlights, sleeping mats, headlamps, stuffed animals, guns, ammo, and swords.   Did I forget anything? 
Scott and I stayed up a little later to make sure they were squared away.  They all came in one by one because they forgot somethings, or they needed to tell us something,  really I think they were just a little nervous.  2 hours later they were all snug as a bug in a rug (or is it kids in a tent?)  Either way it was a success and they wanted to do it again.  This is what summers are all about. 

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