
Saturday, October 17, 2015

GeoCashing Kids June 2015

For an activity to help keep our summer days
 exciting I thought we would try the wonderful world of geo-caching.  I have been thinking about it for awhile now and I finally decided to act upon it.  I registered us with the geo-cachers and found a plethora of geo-caches all around us.  Our fist one was just a quick bike ride away.  with my phone in hand for the GPS and hints to help us find the treasures we were on our way.  The fist one was a little difficult to find.  The kids were starting to get frustrated.  We walked back and forth I read the clues over and over again, checked and triple checked our GPS coordinates, when all of the sudden I saw this little red cap out of the corner of my eye.  This tiny tube was found in a hole drilled out of a stick.  Success!  We were so excited that we finally found it we were ready for more.  I checked the site and found many more super close to us so we biked on over to the shopping center where many more were promised.  They got easier and easier to find once we had an idea of what to look for and how to read the clues.
This turned out to be a fun little activity that we could probable do anywhere.  3 cheers for geo-caching!

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