
Tuesday, October 13, 2015

New York Brooklyn Bridge April 2015

For our last outing in New York we had to walk the Brooklyn Bridge.  We took the subway all the way down and across to Brooklyn then walked our way over.  Once again this bridge is a testament to the wonderful craftsmanship we came across time and time again.  The day was beautiful and the bridge not too crowded.  All along the cables of the bridge are padlocks.  I had to assume these resembled the padlocks on the bridge in Paris that lovers lock on and then toss the key in the river.  I think my assumption is pretty safe.
this bridge fit perfectly in New York.  anywhere else it would seem like a large stone monstrosity but nestled here between these two big cities it was right at home.
We really enjoyed our time in New York.  We had arranged for Scott's sister to come watch our kids as we went on this adventure.  She brought grandma a long and that probably wasn't the best idea.  I got many phone calls from the kids saying grandma or Tracie was freaking out and how could we leave them.  Oh the drama.  We had a huge windstorm back at home that lifted our carport off the wave runners and was ready to take off like a big sail.  Thankfully we had that huge willow tree to stop it.  We got calls during that fiasco but there was nothing we could do from so far away.  There seem to be a lot of little things that I thought they would be capable of handling but I was wrong.  When we got home we found many things destroyed including a large hole in our wall downstairs.  They tried to blame Peter for this one but the hole was way too big for little Peter to make.  Drama aside it was a good trip.
I am so grateful that I can spend 24/7  with my sweetie and not get sick of him.  We often hold hands on a daily basis and did so during all of our walking around this fantastic city.  It must have seemed a little strange to all those we passed because in New York no one holds hands.  But for Scott and I, its the most comfortable way to be, and I know that when we are connected there is nothing we can't conquer, even a place like New York.  Thanks for the fabulous adventure babe!   I love you more than sunshine!

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