
Tuesday, October 13, 2015

72 hour packs feb 2015

After some talk about 72 hour kits Scott and I decided it was time to redo ours.  It has been so long since we did them that Peter didn't even have one.  We had the great idea to turn this into a family lesson.  We brought all our bags up and went through them piece by piece.  This was a little frustrating to do with little boys that just had to touch everything and play with it so I didn't know what came out of what bag and who needed what.  I made a list of things we  should have in our kits making sure the specify if any kid needed something special ie:Brennen's medecine. After we had the list we went over each piece with the kids and told them what it was used for and what other uses it could have.  Then we quizzed them on it.  For our family we opted to give everyone their own bag, that way if we ever got separated we would all have what we need.  These kits are good to go and I am proud to say that we could most definitly last longer than the suggested 72 hours.
With Scott and my love for the medical field we got a little crazy with our medical kit.  It really is pretty impressive.  We could safely do small surgeries.  I am kind of proud of it.  Hopefully we don't need them but I am glad we have them just in case.

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