
Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Lagoon with Cousins July 2015

This was our second time going to Lagoon with the kids.  This time we went by ourselves for most of the day.  My sister Stephanie and her family joined us later.
Little Peter Pie was too small to go on most of the big rides but that didn't stop us from trying to sneak him on.  We would wait in line and I was trying to teach him how to stand as tall as he possibly could.  Try rising up on his tippy toes just enough that it looks like he still had his feet on the ground. He didn't quite master that skill.  So we did the next best thing and tried to rush past the person measuring.  We succeeded on some of the rides but not all.  He was very disappointed about that.  Peter really wanted to ride the Colossus.  I knew he was just too short but we waited until the person checking heights took a break.  We quickly ran past and got on the ride.  Peter loved it, he wasn't scared at all. Once we got off he asked to do it again.  We rounded the corner to get back in line but no luck, the checker was back at his post.
We all had a great time.  I even tried the Cannibal.  Talk about an intense ride.  To begin they put you in a cart that just has a lap belt, then the cart goes in this tower and takes you up a dark elevator of sorts.  The whole time going up the elevator I kept saying "oh geeze, oh my, oh my, oh geeze"  I was very nervous.  Once you reach the top this large garage type door opens and you see nothing but sky.  The track is nowhere to be found.  It gives you a couple of seconds to let this all sink in and then it drops you straight down in a concave curve.  I am not gonna lie.  I was screaming, and not like a little girl but like a grown woman who was plummeting to her death.  Oh my it was intense.  The ride proceeds to do some loops and turns then on the back side of the tower we came up in it decides to turn us upside down slowly.  Remember we just have a lap bar holding us in.  Everyone and I mean everyone at the end of this ride are just in shock.  Grateful to be back in one piece.  Not once did I see a group return with smiles and cheers of joy.  That has gotta say something about the intensity of the ride.  I am glad I did it but I don't think it will be a regular occurrence.
We opted to save some money and packed a picnic lunch which we ate in the car.  As we were sitting in the car with the AC on this Dragon fly kept coming on the antenna.  I don't know what was attracting it but I got a cool picture from it.

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