
Monday, October 12, 2015

New York Laura and Bryce April 2015

Bryce and Laura were so kind to let us crash at their place during our stay we wanted to thank them by taking them out to a nice dinner.  We asked them where a great place for dinner was.  We wanted to take them out to somewhere they have always wanted to go to but probably couldn't afford being poor college students.  They had to think really hard about this and finally decided on a restaurant called the "Smith"  I loved the location of the Smith it was right across the street from Juliard and and half a block from the New York temple.  They were busy enough so we sat outside which ended up being a little chilly but quieter than inside the restaurant so it balanced itself out.  We introduced Bryce and Laura to some new food that they found pretty good.  It was nice the catch up with my baby sister.  I am glad she is doing so good.  I really feel like New York had been a good thing for her.  I can't imagine how hard it must have been being the baby of a big bossy family.  I feel like she has finally been able to find her own voice.  I am so proud of her.
Manhattan Temple
After dinner we walked around Columbus circle and ended up at a dessert place.  I had THE BEST dessert I have ever had.  The thing about New York is that it has so many food options you never know what to eat.    This was a win on all accounts. I had this caramel tart that was out of this world delicious.  The top was a mousse truffle that just melted in your mouth and the caramel.  Oh how can I describe the caramel.  the sweet and salty was balanced so perfectly it danced on my tongue with a caramel taste so rich yet not too rich.  I could have wonderful dreams about this tart.  I was so tempted to buy another one but my stomach protested too much after all that yummy food.  Until another time my sweet caramel tart....

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