
Saturday, October 17, 2015

Brennen Baptism May 2015

I am so happy that Brennen decided to get baptized.  This guy is truly and old soul and I love to seem him grow into that.
It was a snap decision when I went to do his pictures for his announcement.  The date really snuck up on me and I had very little time to get it all done.  I had an hour and told Brennen to put his suit on we have to go take his pictures for his baptism announcement.  Thankfully he was very cooperative.  We lucked out that his is a natural in front of the camera.  I took plenty of great pictures in only 10 minutes.  He is such a handsome guy.
For his baptism I really wanted to do the song called Glorious.  I had to get special permission because ours was being held in the chapel.  For the musical number we had Scott and Brennen do it as a duet.  I originally was just going to have Scott sing it but Brenny loves music so I agreed to let him learn it.  It was such a sweet duet, it fit perfectly.
Ellie's drama teacher was being a super stinker and wouldn't let her miss her matinee performance because she had a main part and there was no understudy for her.  We were going to have her give the talk on baptism but when her teach refused to be reasoned with we had William give it.  I had William write it all by himself and then practice it with me.  When he gave the talk he didn't have it actually written down (against my nagging) He told me he had it all in his head.  I was a little nervous about what he would say but he did a great job.  I love ti when my kids surprise me like that.
The baptism was sweet and Brennen was so proud.  What a great day to be able to celebrate it with all our family.

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