
Sunday, October 18, 2015

Peter Soccer June 2015

We decided that Peter was finally old enough to be enrolled in an organized sport.  I know that he has been old enough but with 4 kids all having a sport plus their other extra curricular activities there just isn't enough time in the days to get everything done and everyone to their practices and games.  As it was I had all 3 boys enrolled in soccer and almost every week I had to miss someones game or part of it to get the other kid to their game.  Not to mention it totally ate up our Saturdays.  We love to play as a family on Saturdays and with soccer taking over it was really just another day of rushing not a day for us to be together as a family.
Peter really didn't love soccer.  He kept telling his coach that he really wanted to be a wrestler not a soccer player.  Oh well, at least I tried.

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