
Saturday, October 17, 2015

Peter's 6th BDay March 2015

We went
 back and forth for what to do for Peter's 6th birthday.  He would decide on something then his brothers would try to talk him into another thing.  When he finally settled on a Lego party I wouldn't let him change his mind again.  We were running out of time to get things done.  This party was really pretty easy, then again almost all parties for 6 year olds are easy.  Especially when you already own everything you need.  When they are this young I really don't go all out in decorations and extra fluff.  The kids don't care, my wallet loves it, and the parents just drop their kids off.  Lets be honest when we do go all out is it for the kid or for the parents of the other kids?  Kids are easy, lets keep it that way.
The cake was simple I just baked it in a loaf pan, sliced it in half long ways to give it layers and then used Oreo's for the Lego "dots".  I melted frosting in the microwave and just poured it all over the cake.  You can tell on one that I cooked the frosting a little tool long for it to have the smooth consistency but it still tasted good and the kids thought it was awesome. After 4 kids, I am over perfection.  I did make 2 of them because I wasn't sure one would be enough for all of the kids coming.  The cakes were small.

The games were super easy.  I pulled out our crazy amounts of Lego's in our giant under the bed drawer that is on casters.  I found 2 of these huge wooden drawers at DI and just knew they would be perfect.  They are large enough that all the Lego's fit with enough room to spread them around when you are looking for just the right piece. Back to the party, this was our activity to keep the kids busy while we were waiting for everyone to show up.  They were more than content to just fish in the Lego's.  Once everyone arrived we officially started the party.  Our first game was to build the tallest tower.  I used our giant Lego's for this and split the kids into 2 teams.  I gave them a time limit and the ones that had the tallest tower that could stand on its own by the time the timer beeped were the winners.  One group had a great tower that toppled just 1 second before the timer beeped.  They were disappointed but not devastated.  We switched the teams up and played this game a couple more times.  It was great to see how they learned from their first failures to better their next towers.
2nd game played was also split into 2 teams.  I had 2 bowls full of identical Lego's.  The kids had to use a spoon to scoop as many Lego's as they could walk them across the floor to another bowl awaiting them about 10 feet away.  The team with the most Lego's was the winner.
The 3rd game and their most favorite was an add on game.  I bought one of those large square Lego sheets, I gave each kid a cup of random Lego's scooped from the giant Lego drawer.  The first person put 2 of their Lego's on the sheet then passed the sheet to the next person where they got to add 2 of their Lego's to the sheet and so on and so forth.  This was their favorite game.  It went fast enough that they were bored and everyone was so curious as to what it was going to turn out to be.  We could have played this game for much longer but it was time for presents and cake.

For his birthday he got a new to him bike that he thinks is the coolest bike ever.  I did splurge on a mic to go on his bike that makes different siren noises and he can speak in.  I figured it was a great way to make the bike seem newer.
We love this Peter Pie.  He can drive us crazy sometimes but he always does it with that killer smile.  Happy Birthday my Peter Pie!

For Peters birthday dinner he asked to go to Chuckarama.  It was near the end of our dinner and he asked Ellie if she would help him make a sundae.  The two got his ice cream and started on his toppings, he pointed at a bowl of chopped nuts when Ellie put them on his ice cream he immediately shouted NOOO and screamed at her because she put the topping he asked for on his sundae.  He then proceeded to make her pick all the nuts individually until they were all out of the ice cream.  He then ate his ice cream until he found a single piece of a nut and said "NUT" in a very disdained voice and wouldn't eat the rest of his sundae. 

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