
Sunday, October 11, 2015

Welcome to New York, Broadway, Time Square April 2015

                   Hotel Farr
Scott and I made a trip to New York City, just the two of us.  We thought we would take advantage of my sisters hospitality while she still lived there.  It saved us a ton of money on hotel expense and we got to spend some time with her so double bonus!  I think it was a little helpful that I had already been to New York so it was easy to get around.  New York in general is easy to get around though.  The city is built on a grid system similar to Salt Lake and the subway is so slick.  I will say we did get on the wrong train once, luckily it was only 1 stop and we were able to correct our mistake without a hitch.
This trip was a no kids just us trip that was much needed.  I was a little worried about the weather because it was  early spring.  The weather at home was wonderful but that is across the country.  We decided to play it safe and bring our winter coats just in case.  It was a good thing we did.  We flew the red eye so we were pretty tired when we arrived and the weather was arctic winds and misty.  Grateful for the warm subway we rested all the way to her home.  We were a little late because of a delay in the flight and we made it to her neighborhood just as she was leaving.  We said hello then crashed on her floor for a few hours.  She was sweet enough to leave us a little "welcome to the Farr hotel" package.  After a really good nap we slowly got ourselves ready for the day and headed out on the town.  We smartly didn't plan anything for our fist day except to go see Aladdin.  We walked around time square taking in all that is New York.  The weather was still a little cold but with all those people you hardly notice.  We found a bite to eat at a restaurant called "The Counter" and had THE BEST hamburger I've ever had. This wasn't just any hamburger it was a fancy fresh ground sirloin burger that was so juicy and buttery.  The flavors were rich and complex but oh so enjoyable. 
It was funny because they took one look at us and decided to sit us next to this little girl who was sitting all by herself.  We learned that she was a daughter of one of the waitresses.  It was safe to assume they thought we would be fine sitting next to her and that she would be comfortable sitting next to us.  I guess there is just something about us that screams patient and good with kids?
She was cute and when her jam came on she just started dancing like no one was watching.  When she noticed us she paused for a minute then saw our smiles and continued on with her dancing.  Hey when your song comes on you just gotta dance.

After dinner we headed over to Aladdin at the beautiful theater.  We hemmed and hawed at which show to go see going back and forth on what we would both like and what we could afford.  I am so glad we went with Aladdin.  The show was super funny and the special effects were perfect.  Of course the Genie was so funny.  He really did make the show, but I also loved Aladdin's lackeys
 The fat one who always thought they were talking about food, the clumsy one and the dumb one.  One of my favorite scenes is where these guys find out that Aladdin is locked in the dungeon and they head over to rescue him.  As they are singing the rescue song they start going in slow motion (with amazing technic) while all the other people in the background are moving around at a regular pace.  They look around while they are singing and moving in slow mo and start to sing "why are we not getting anywhere?"  It was perfection.
I was also impressed with their indoor fireworks and set design.  When they did the magic carpet scene try as I might I could not see the cables for the carpet.  The entire theater was filled with stars, it was magical.  I can't say enough about it.  We loved it.  I was so glad that I was able to experience it with Scott and that he enjoyed it just as much if not more than I did.  We were off to a good start.  

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