
Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Valentines 2015

It was that time again.  Time to make some Valentines boxes.  Really this is the only thing I like about Valentines day.  I had the boys try to come up with some ideas.  Pinterest was really helpful in this, they could look over them and get some ideas.  Brennen was so great.  He decided on the Pikachu, he was very rational about it saying it was one he could personally make all by himself.  I did help with some cutting out and designing.  Other than that he really did build it by himself.  William opted for the alligator.   He needed a little more help.  Peter went with the Batmobile.  This one turned out pretty cool and was relatively simple to make.  of course he just watched me make while he bossed me around and what I was doing wrong.  Once i distracted him with something else it was so much easier to make.  Scott said I should offer my services  to all those busy moms out there and charge $10 bucks a box.  My sister Amy who is often busy said that was a great idea, she would be willing to pay someone to make the boxes for her.  I'll think about it.  It really all depends on how busy I am myself.
One other thing we made this year was these sweet felt corsages for the boys teachers.  I made sure they new how to tie them on because I wanted them to tie them on their teachers.  
For the record I am not superwoman and ran out of time so we didn't make extra cute valentines to hand out.  We bought a bunch of sticky hands and made a note that said something like "Valentine I am stuck on you."  The sticky hands were so much more appreciated than the candy and crappy stickers. This might be a new tradition for us.

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