
Monday, October 12, 2015

New York NHM April 2015

This trip was most definitely a museum trip.  There are so many museums in New York you can't help but be filled with the culture.  This was the Natural History Museum.  The building itself is beautiful. Actually most buildings in New York are beautiful.  I was most excited to view the live butterfly exhibit.  I remember visiting one of these when I was little and couldn't get over the beauty, complexity, and delicateness of these creatures.  I was lucky enough to get some photos of them drinking the nectar from the flowers.  If you look closely you can see their tongues.  Scott was very patient with me in letting me have plenty of time to play with the butterflies.
There really is so much to see at this museum and to think these things are real.  The size of the of the whale was hard to comprehend even though I was right there staring at it. My second favorite room was of course the rocks and gems, every time I enter one of these rooms I always think of the beautiful jewelry that could be made with them. 
However the exhibit that I learned the most was probably the room with the apes and homosapians.  You can look at a skull and thing that it is human but it is not until you look at all the different skulls side by side do you realize how different they all are.  It was just something I never thought but about before.  

We also got to go to the Hayden Planetarium. This was the largest planetarium I have ever seen.  The movie was very informational, not to mention amazing.  It truly felt like we were in space.  The graphics were so good. I think Scott was in heaven

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