
Tuesday, October 13, 2015

New York Trinity Down Town Washington Square April 2015

We spent a lot of time just Exploring in New York.  We did exploring and museums.  In reality one needs a full month to see all that there is to see in New York.  As it was we had a week and we went non stop, never getting back to Laura's place until  10pm.  It was a lot of walking, I bet we walked about 50 miles covering the city from head to toe.  On one of our exploration days we came across the Trinity church.  This was a scheduled stop for us but we did walk all around the 5 block radius taking in all the wonderful architecture.  This church is very beautiful, not quite as pretty as the Cathedral of Saint John but then again it is much older and smaller.  The attention to detail always amazes me. To think of those people who carved every little face and rosette and the time it must have taken.  Then in contrast to architecture today where the goal is to get it done as fast as possible, the beauty and art is lost.
We saw many churches while visiting.  The Cathedral of Saint John was closed when we went to go see it so we could only admire the outside.  We witnessed a wedding at Saint Patricks Cathedral, and we got to walk around in the cathedral on Columbia University's campus.  All of these were just so pretty, I was glad I was able to experience them.  
As we walked past the New York Stock Exchange Scott called Patrick and said "Hey I am right on front of the New York stock exchange and it made me think of money.  Did you by chance pay me yet?"  We don't think he was very impressed with our witty remarks.
While on our "walkabout" we came across some pretty neat buildings.  There was this one neighborhood that I just adored.  It was if we turned the corner and stepped into a story book.  It wasn't any neighborhood of any real importance but I just fell in love with it.  It was so sweet and the buildings were something from a story I once read long ago.  Try as I might I couldn't find the name of it because it didn't have a name just a street address.  
Maybe someday I will take an art history class and learn more about this wonderful city and the history that is steeped in its stone.

National Museum of the American Indian

Wall Street

Arch at Washington Square

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