
Monday, October 12, 2015

New York USS Midway April 2015

For one of our last museums we found the USS midway.  This was a must on Scott's bucket list.  By the time we arrived I thought my brain could hold no more information but I was willing to try.  This ship was used in WWII and that is my favorite subject in history to study.  Upon arriving we watched some people paddle boarding around the ship and sadly the only thing I could think of was, "don't fall off that water looks disgusting!"  
We opted to take the tour because really you do get so much more out of it when you talk to someone who knows there stuff.  We meandered around while we were waiting for the rest of the tour to begin when we stumbled upon a scale model of the USS midway made out of Lego's.  The detail was incredible.  It made me miss my kids and I was really hoping I could purchase some of the sets somewhere on board but Alas it was not to be.  I settled for taking a picture for memory's sake.

An Aircraft Carrier make of legos, Jane was totally geeked out.

Scott could not be more in his element on this ship.  He was grinning like a little boy at Christmas with an ooh look at that and oh look at this.  I was happy for him.  I could only imagine how my kids would love this.  I pictured my boys coveting the guns and running across the deck imagining they were in battle.  If I am not mistaking I am pretty sure I could see it in Scott's eyes too, that he was imagening himself in action.
To add icing on the cake they have THE Enterprise on this ship.  Yes the original Enterprise that went into space.  Scott was in heaven, you can see the pure joy on his face in the picture.
 Every question the tour guide asked Scott had the answer with some extra information to add.  The tour guide was impressed to say the least.  They had a lot of fun quizzing each other and bantering back and forth. I could see the passion in our tour guides eyes.  He was so happy and so proud to be a part of this museum, I could see Scott in his golden years wanting to do something like this.   

It's the USS Enterprise! I was totally geeked out.

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