They took a few months of classes. Brennen was over the moon at first and then he started to complain about going to hip hop. I was having a hard time understanding why because once he got there he loved it. When I asked him what the deal was I realized this kid was a little over scheduled. He has scouts, karate, hip hop, soccer, and chess club every week. add homework to that and he felt like he didn't have any free time. After some discussion we let him take a break from chess club so he could play with his friends.
I didn't realize I did that. I was always of the mind that kids shouldn't be over scheduled but I guess we just got caught up in all the fun things a kid can do and forgetting that they need to be kids.
They did well with their first recital. They felt accomplished and confidant. That's all I ask. I did let them stop classes after the session was over. We decided they should just pick one sport they liked and stick with that for awhile so we don't over schedule them. They both chose karate.
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