
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

hiking in Snow canyon

 What do you do with 12 kids full of energy that need to dry out a little from hours and hours of swimming.  You take them hiking in Snow Canyon.  We packed a picnic and found a nice little spot with picnic tables to feed the brood.  I felt a tiny bit guilty when we scared the only other person there with all these kids.  This lady came looking for a quiet place to read and I am sure she was deep in her book when we showed up with the circus.  But I only felt a little bad, where else can kids run, shout and play than the great outdoors.
We hauled my dad's new scooter down to St. George so he could join in on all the fun we were having.  He ended up being the designated grand kid hauler  for those ones with little legs that just couldn't (or wouldn't) keep up.  I'm sure he loved it just as much as they did.  I know this because when I looked back to see how they were doing I saw him holding hands with Lizzy while carting Peter on the scooter.  

For the first hike the mom's and the little ones took a hike on a well paved trail while Scott and Matt took the older ones on a desert adventure. It was a nice little trail with some beautiful scenery but not extremely interesting.  So we packed it up and headed to the "Pioneer names" A spot where pioneers that came through this canyon used the grease from their axles to write their names on the stone wall and they are still there today clear as if they were written yesterday. There was one gentleman rock climbing at this spot.  My niece Jenni noticed him on the face of the rock and told us all about this pioneer she saw with no shirt on.  It was so funny that she thought he was a pioneer.  But then again we were at Pioneer Names.
My favorite hike was Jenny's Canyon.  Its a very short hike from the road and its this amazing little slot canyon filled with all kinds of holes/tunnels/caves in the rock.  The kids loved it.  They all climbed in around and on all the ledges.  It was really quite cool.
Just before the canyon entrance Brennen my little artist out of the box thinker, spotted a rock formation of Eve from the movie WALLE.  It never ceases to amaze me how children's minds work.

Pioneer names

William on top of the world.

can you see Eve?

Jenny's canyon

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