
Saturday, October 13, 2012

Misc. New York

I am near the end of my New York posts with all these extra pictures so they go in the miscellaneous file.  We checked out the FAO Schwartz toy store where we were kids once again and thankful we didn't bring the kids because they would have died to go in here. We tried out the giant piano from the movie BIG and it could have been super fun for an all night game night. Am I weird that I loved the crayon area.  You could fill a box with what ever crayons you wanted.  If you wanted all purple crayons that was okay.  Then there was the largest candies ever known to man.  I just know my little nephew Paul would have gone berserk with all these confectionery concoctions.  My Mom just had to pick up this policeman puppet.  She collects them for her classroom.  He was so close to the real Muppet's. Which they had there if you want to spend $100 on one puppet. 

 We also went in Dylan's candy bar.  A neat little candy shoppe with all the goodies you could imagine. The floor was literally covered in candy with a Plexiglas cover and the wall paper reminded me of the lickable wallpaper in "Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory"  But we didn't lick it.  It was hanging in the bathroom.
 Rockefeller square was a lot smaller than I thought it would be.  I was trying to figure out how they bring the ice rink in the winter time because the other seasons of the year it is a dining area. Interesting fact about this area.  I wanted to throw some trash away and I could not find a trash can anywhere.  When I went inside the Lego store I asked if they had a trash can I could throw something in.  I was denied.  There are no garbage cans in Rockefeller square since 911.
But lets talk about the Lego store.  Now you must understand Lego's are my FAVORITE toy.  I would play with Lego's everyday when I was little and I still play with them when my boys get them out.  I was overjoyed to go in a store strictly dedicated to Lego.  They had everything there.  And they had all these amazing Lego sculptures.  I would have loved to watch and help build some of them.

this is a wall of Lego's.  You can pick out any kind you want. LOVE

These are automatic sanitizing toilets.  Scott and I watched a show about them so I was actually excited to try one out. While I liked the idea that I was entering a sanitized bathroom I did not like how everything was wet. 

This was the prettiest Home Depot I've ever seen.  Inside they had all these beautiful white columns.  The neatest thing was the cart escalators.  Because everything in New York is built up instead of out the Home Depot had many floors.  So instead of putting carts in elevators they have an escalator system that takes your cart down for you while you ride in a people escalator next to it. Ingenious!

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