
Saturday, October 6, 2012


Warning this story may not be for those people who are sensitive to "potty words"

I don't know what it is with boys but they have this terrible habit of punching, kicking, hitting each other in the nuts.  I really don't get it.  In fact it really bothers me.  Why?  Why would you want to go near someone's parts? So I find myself saying every day more than one a day that "we do not touch anyone's nuts!"  I never thought I would have to say things like that but I do.  The other day I was really frustrated with my boys version of fighting (because a nut shot is inevitable) that I yelled my new motto " WE DON'T TOUCH ANYONE'S NUTS!!"  Then I said in a more reasonable tone to no one inparticular, "why do I have to say that every day?"  To which Brennen replies matter-of-factly, " Because we have too many wieners in this house."  Scott and I we laughing so hard he almost fell off the ledge he was perched on to close a window.

Yesterday Scott and I went with my parents to the BYU football game.  We went to get some goodies.  The nuts smelled so good Scott just had to get some.  When I met up with him as we headed back to our cold seats Scott says "My nuts are warm."  It took my brain a minute to figure out he meant actual nuts.  Lets just say I kept chuckling every few minutes. Can you tell I am surrounded by boys.  As we were packing up from the end of the game I told Scott, "give me your nuts and I'll put them in my purse."  As soon as I said it I knew it I should have re-worded it.  He just gave me this look that said "What so people can say my wife keeps my nuts in her purse?" Oh bother I'm afraid I may have crossed over.  I definitely should hang out with more girls.

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