
Saturday, October 13, 2012

BYU vs. Utah State

aren't they cute

My dad called up and asked if Scott and I could get tickets for the BYU vs. Utah State game. We scrambled but we got them.  The night was pretty cold.  I felt bad for my dad who was having a hard time staying warm.   While it was good to go to the game with them, the game itself was not exciting at all.  I'll put it this way the final score was 6 to 3 BYU.  It seemed that BYU could get the ball so close to the end zone but never quite cross the line.  I couldn't believe how many times they messed up what should have been an easy score.  The same went for Utah State. This being my second game I was now a little more informed of what was what.  It makes the game a lot more interesting when you actually know what's going on.
Scott eating a famous "cougar tail"
Basically the largest maple bar I have ever seen.

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