
Monday, October 1, 2012


When in New York you must see Broadway.  Not the street but the theater.  There was some debate about what to see. I really had no preference I was just happy to be there.  It was decided that we would see Evita.  I am well versed in the story of Evita having read the book as well as saw the movie.  The set design was incredible.  Had there been photography allowed in the theater I would have had a picture for you by I digress.  The set looked like a beautiful building with a terrace that went all the way around and then pulled forward and backward.  It was pretty impressive.  Below the terrace they had 4 doors and when they were open they were back lit so that they choreographed the shadows.  My favorite is when they opened the doors and people rushed back and forth behind them so it looked like the people were outside rushing about.  The choreography was really good too.  I thought the way they did the costume changes was inventive. 
THE Ricky Martin was the male lead as the narrator.  I thought he did pretty good however others in my party thought he should stick to pop.  The main controversy was the female lead (Evita herself) Now having read the biography and understanding her past I thought the female lead was very true to character.  She did have a thick Spanish accent so if you weren't used to it she could be hard to understand at times.  I think my living in California and some of my good friends being Spanish helped me a lot.  Also her voice was a little screechy. To me it made sense, she was a girl from the slums completely uncouth and a little trashy so it fit.  Either way I enjoyed it.  I probably wouldn't give it 5 stars maybe 3 1/2.  Lets just say it was no Wicked.
Before the play we went to dinner at this fabulous restaurant called Latzzani a fancy little Italian place that had no room for high chairs. We were quite content to be at such a place.  I had an amazing filet mingion with a side of broccoli and scalloped potatoes.  It was melt in your mouth delicious.  At $35 a plate I expect nothing less. We all tried each others meals and I would have to say mine was the best.  My poor sister Amy was not feeling well so she couldn't fully appreciate the yummy food. Lucky for us she was better the next day.

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