
Thursday, October 11, 2012

New York shopping

 On one of our designated shopping days we headed off to China Town to get all those must have souvenirs.  It was quite crowded with tourists and people of a little more shall I say colorful variety.  We were bombarded with people trying to sell us their wares and more than a few that stand in the sidewalk and say a little quietly to no one imparticular "Gucci Gucci Gucci,?  Handbags? Rolex?"  You know selling that special stuff that is not quite legal. 2 of my sisters bought one of those special handbags with a couple of fauxlex watches.  The sketchy part is that you have to follow them to a back room or down an alley.  I actually found a purse I like on the street so there was no need for me to travel down dark corridors.  I did love to bargain though. I think I get that from my dad.  I picked up this fabulous zebra print suitcase that started at $45 down to $19.
As we were walking down China Town we came upon Little Italy.  They just happen to be having this huge festival for San Gennero.  There were booths upon booths of amazing food!!! The streets were so crowded it was almost impossible to navigate through them.  So we just admired the cuisine. Good thing for us it was lunch time!!  The hardest part was decided which food to eat.  I chose this delectable sausage can I just say Yummmmmmm! It was so filling I was disappointed I didn't have room for dessert.  But that didn't stop me.  We got a box of cannolli's and oh they were scrumptious.  I do love good food.  Actually I would rather have no food than not Good food.  Lets just say there was no shortage of good food here. I don't know how they did it but they found a way to squeezed in some good old carnival fun, ferriswheels and carnie games.
One thing I did notice was the feeling in Little Italy was totally different than in China Town which was literally the next street over.  It was so much more welcoming and family like, so even though we were packed in there like sardines I didn't mind it was kind of like hanging out in the living room at my moms house.

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