
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Stories of dad

The day before we left for New York we got the wonderful news that the cancer in my dad's hip had stopped growing. Or rather they hadn't seen any new growth in the last 7 months due to the radiation treatments.  We were overjoyed.  The doctor wanted to do a follow up and give him a chest x-ray just to cover all her bases.  This chest x-ray was done while we were in New York.  When we got back we received the devastating news that the lesions in his lungs that were the size of babies fingernails in march were now the size of an apple and a plum.  With out treatment he had 3 months.  With treatment it only works on 1 in 10 and the rest it just gives them a little more time.  Talk about a punch in the gut.
In lieu of this news I have decided to try and record any stories that he has told us about his childhood or growing up, things he's learned in life etc. I just want a record of the amazing man who is Lucky Wright. Most likely I will publish them in a separate book so that his grand children and great grandchildren will know him better.  My loving aunt compiled similar books of my Wright grandparents and I have decided to take the torch so-to-speak. If any of you have any such stories I would love to have them.  I will except email, letters, comments on this post, or even a phone call where you can tell me the story and I will write it down.  The stories don't have to be grand, I will start you all off with one of his most recent confessions.

He was put in school early and he said he was always upset about that.  He was always the youngest. (Being number 13 out of 15 children I think this added to the too young syndrome). Anyway he said he always regretted it because he really liked sports but being the youngest (and probably smallest) he wasn't always chosen for the teams.  He says it something he never really got over.

Now I know my dad played football but I didn't know he liked sports so much.  You would never really know that growing up with him.  Sure he watched the occasional football game and we played baseball every Sunday but he never came across as a sports man to me.

1 comment:

  1. One story I love to hear, is when he talks about his first day in Kindergarten. His teacher read the roll and had each child raise their hand and say, "hear" when they heard their name called. My dad never heard his name called, but he did hear the name Joseph who had the same last name as him, but no one said here. When the teacher was done with the roll she asked him what his name was. "Lucky Wright" was his response. After a couple minutes of the teacher explaining my dad realized on his first day of Kindergarten that his real name was Joseph and not Lucky! haha I love that! And to this day he still goes by Lucky:)



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