
Saturday, October 13, 2012


General Conference for our church can often be a struggle with the kids. As a mother I want them to sit and listen to soak up any knowledge/inspiration they can get.  As a person I just want them to not distract me so I can listen and gain knowledge/inspiration.  I have tried all the packets and pre-conference crafts and really they just end up being a lot of work for me.  They may work for some people, but for us less is more. So I start with the good old conference BINGO that I get as a print off at  Then I put my little bowl of pennies up by the TV and let the kids in on the word of the day.  (they get a penny each time they hear the word) This trick actually works the best for us.  It turns into a competition for the older ones causing them to listen more carefully. I know one of these days I am going to have to raise the price per word but for now a penny is working.
On Sunday we whipped out these haunted gingerbread houses.  I love them.  They come as a kit all ready assembled at Walmart and the kids just decorate them.  It is so worth the $8 a house for me to get an hour of undisturbed conference wisdom.  Thankfully it comes out in the Ensign because lets face it, if your a mom you don't get to hear everything.

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