
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

St. George in October

We thought we would run down to the St. George house for one more quick vacation before it got too cold. It was just a weekend get away but the weather cooperated because it was snowing at home.  I loved soaking up the sun.  We even indulged and heat up the pool to 98 degrees, or it could have been 100.  It was like one giant hot tub.  We even tossed in the patio chairs so we could sit and relax.  The kids had a blast.  Peter felt the peer pressure of wanting to be a big kid so he was determined to learn how to officially swim without his life jacket. Sometimes a little peer pressure is a good thing.  He did pretty good.  I don't think I will be letting him swim laps anytime soon but I feel confidant that he could swim to the edge if he fell in and work his way back to a safer depth.  Our little Lizzy is fearless in the water.  She made me so nervous jumping in like all the big kids with just her little tube I was sure she was going to lose it and sink to the bottom.  The kids had endless hours of fun in the pool.  It was the first thing they wanted to do in the morning and right before bed with quite a few hours in between.
My sister Steph brought a witch pinata filled with goodies. It was hard to get the kids out of the pool to break the pinata that's how much they loved it.
I have to admit I love going to the St. George house.  It 's such a nice little vacation.  Its not very far away and its okay if you just want to sit and read your book, lounge in or around the pool and if you want to go out and do something there is always an activity somewhere. The house is big enough that we can all get together with out being on top of each other.  And whats better than being with family?  NOTHING! especially when you have a family like mine.

fearless Lizzy

Jenni get her brave on.

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