
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Only 4

garbage cans


site seeing.  This was one day where we decided to go to the garment district but explore on our way.  I loved that they had these little tables and chairs all over the pedestrian islands through out the city.  They were a different color depending on which district you were in.  The green ones were on Broadway near the garment district.  And the garbage cans were so cute I had to take a picture.  Again I love the beauty that New York creates in everyday things.I did find myself feeling a little claustrophobic in New York with hardly any open space.  I could not live here but I would be happy to visit again.  Space is so limited that everything is built up and I mean everything.  I thought this parking lot was quite interesting. The lifts go underground so when they need to take the top car off they lower the lifts so the other cars go underground and drive the top one off.  How ingenious.  I did notice that parking was expensive $20 for an hour.  No wonder no one drives here.  Not only is there no parking the streets are so crowded its a wonder more people aren't shot from road ragers.  Scott would never be able to drive in New York, I am pretty patient but even I was getting frustrated with people and I wasn't even driving.
We only took a taxi on the way to and from the airport.  There is a law that taxi's can only take 4 people.  This was a little bit of a hassle for us because we had 5. So on the way back to the airport our bellman found a willing soul to break the rules and take all five of us.  We squeezed 4 of us in the back seat and let my mom ride in the front.  Our driver was from Nepal and didn't fully agree with the law behind the 4 person limit.  So as we approached a check point on a toll road he told us that one of us needed to duck down so it only looked like 4 riders.  He was so impressed that we had no problem with that.  Steph was the ducker and we just put a backpack on top of her to more hide her from view.  Then he announce that when we got to the airport we shouldn't all get out to get the bags and would one of us mind just walking away from the taxi.  Again no problem there.  As soon as the cab stopped I slipped out and walked in the airport.  I know how to disappear.  When the cabbie got out to help us with the bags he was so surprised when he looked around he said " Hey. Only four."  He couldn't figure out how I disappeared so quickly.  This is not our first rodeo.  

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