
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

swiss days 2012

This year for Swiss Days we decided to not sleep over in the motor home to save a little money for New York.  I know it is breaking tradition but we'd rather break tradition than out wallets.  The night before it rained a terrible rain storm complete with thunder and even knocking out the power in half the city.  Lucky for us it was turning into a beautiful day at 7am. Our beautiful day didn't last long or I should say it routinely interrupted by this wet stuff they call rain.  I say that because it has been the driest summer ever.  Swiss days had been scaled down quite a bit from past years.  Apparently the city made new ordinances making it very hard to expand the vendors booths.
We walked and talked and laughed the whole day through thoroughly enjoying each others company.  We say some cute stuff and some interesting stuff but not too many things that we just couldn't live with out. I did make it out with a couple of ties for each of the boys and of course the Relief Society baked goods.  My favorite are Bratzilis a thin wafer like Swiss cookie super delicious.
the rubber band bazooka
just finished the bratwurst and saurkraut mmmmm.


When the boys asked why we always want to go to these kinds of things I think my sister Amy said it best when she said "It's like a living pinterest." Then they got it.
I was planning on getting a couple of rubber band crossbows for my kids but they sold out by the time I went over to buy them.  I guess that was probably a good idea who knows how many fights I would have to break up after someone got shot in the eye. They did have this super awesome rubber band bazooka gun that I would love to try out.
   But like I told Scott I was just going for the food, ideas and yodeling.  Yes I am a sucker for yodeling go ahead, call me a geek.  I think it has something to do with my childhood memories and spending days getting ready for Swiss days (my mom had a booth every year) and then manning the booth and eating the food and yes listening to yodeling.
not uncommon for homes to look like this.
It was my days at Swiss days that taught me real life math.  I learned how to figure out tax and how to count money backwards to give change all by the age of 8.  We as kids also made crafts every year to sell.  The money we earned went to school clothes for the year.  So looking back we learned how to be very responsible with money at an early age.
Swiss Days is held in Midway Utah a very beautiful city nestled in the mountains with green grassy fields and rolling hills.  If it didn't get so cold here I would definately live here it is so incredible when I come here I get an idea of what it might be like to live in the Swiss Alps. The landscaping it  lush and most of the buildings look like they came out of a story book.

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