
Sunday, September 16, 2012

State Fair 2012

on their way to what kids dreams are made of
awesome crab made out of car parts
This year we had very little time to squeeze in the fair but we made it happen.  The idea was to go with the whole family but it really is just too hard to stick together with so many people so we briefly saw each other while we were there.  Now I really do love the arts and crafts exhibits.  Not the wares for sale but the ones people have made.  Last year my kids thought they were so boring.  This year was a totally different story.  They thought almost everything was so cool and they wanted to know how it was done.  One gentleman was there displaying his skills with a scroll saw.  Such detailed work it really was impressive.  My boys surprised me by being so respectful and awed at this gentleman's work.  They asked him all kinds of questions about it really wanting to know more about his work and his tools.
hunger games butter sculpture
We didn't make it to the photography or the fine arts building which I was a little sad about but you have to sacrifice sometimes.  We did get to see all the animals.  I realize we had lived in California too long when we walked into the goat building and one of my kids yells out "Hey it's sheep."  Then another one says "No, its a camel right mom?"  Oh how I have failed them.  After I got over my fit of laughter I informed them that they were neither they were goats.  In any case they loved to look at all of the animals and pet them.  When we got to the real sheep exhibit William saw 2 sheep nuzzling  and he said "oh, that's a mom sheep and that's a dad sheep and they are kissing."  I asked how he knew which was which, he guessed then I showed him that he was wrong and how to really tell.  His jaw dropped to the floor and he said oh my gosh then started laughing. Lets just say these were some very well endowed sheep.
After all the animals we let them ride a few rides.  This was Scott's favorite thing when he was little.  He said he loved going to the fair because it was the funnest thing he ever did.  He remembers the rides being the next best thing to Disneyland.  Of course he had never been anywhere but hey its something he remembered from his childhood. So we bought them a few tickets to watch them make themselves sick LITERALLY. Brennen threw up after a whole bag of cotton candy and a spinning ride.

mesmerized by the high divers

the largest bull I've ever scene sitting like a dog
a sheep? a camel? no its a goat

my niece Jenni picking out what new chicken she wants

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