
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Times Square

Everyone warned us about rude New Yorkers.  Even New Yorkers warned us to watch out for rude people.  I am happy to report that we didn't run into anyone who was rude with exception of one security guard. I don't know what everyone was talking about, everyone that I came across was nice.  I think its one of those things where if you be nice to them they will be nice to you.  Sure we came across a few crazies especially at Times Square but they were nice and fun to watch. Always plenty of people in costume trying to score some cash by having tourists take their picture with them.  We avoid this tourist trap but took a few from a distance.
Some of the more interesting characters we came across were the "Naked Cowboy"  a man in his tighty whiteies and cowboy boots with a guitar.  Then there was the crazy man riding a bike in a woman's bikini with pink bathroom slippers and turban (like the one Clark Griswold wears on Christmas vacation when he falls through the attic floor). Neither of which I got a picture of because this is a family blog.
Times Square was very overwhelming at first.  So many people in a strange city and more than half of them a little on the eccentric side.  It was my least favorite place we visited.  But we quickly got used to the crowds.

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