
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Labor day

For labor day we worked.  We worked on our tans on our funky baseball skills and our water sports.

I really really really wanted to go to the lake at  least one more time.  The good news was Scott said we could go on Labor day.  The bad new was, that was the day my parents were officially moving.  I worried and fretted, felt guilty and earnestly prayed they would have enough help to move because we already invited friends to the lake before the moving day was set. In the end it all worked out and I have to say I had a great day at the lake.
We invited our good friends the Smiths.  I found out my brother Scott was already planning on going the the same lake with his friends so we met up after they got us a good spot on the beach. I also invited my sisters Stephanie and Amy with their families. We had a great time playing in the sand. The kids spent hours digging large holes.  We all played little Swedish baseball and some soccer, rode the wave runners, boating and tubing.
This time for tube wars we had 3 tubes tied to the boat.  It was so fun to see the kids hope from one tube to the next trying to pry their opponents fingers off so they could take over the tube.  They even hoped from one tube all the way to the far tube and back again.  I am happy to say I didn't lose this time.  I guess I am getting braver or stronger.  But William was our grand champion.  He would hunker down in his tube and lean just right so no one could tip it over no matter how fast the boat was going. There were times where we came so close to tipping him but nevertheless he held steadfast. Finally after countless tries and 30 minutes later my nephew Paul climbed onto Williams tube and threw all his weight into tipping the tube.  They both flew out but Paul claimed victory with a whoop and a fist punch in the air. This should be a sport. The only down side with tube wars is the brutal beating you get in the processes.  The next day everyone woke up extra sore and bruised.  Poor William was so beat he couldn't even walk up the stairs to go to school.  I came down with some ibuprofen and helped his legs find movement.  He was so baffled at why his legs hurt so bad.  I said 2 words "Tube Wars." Sadley I forgot my camera I just had my phone camera, so there is not actual record of these fabulous tube wars just our memories.
There is something so calming and rejuvinating spending the day in the sun sand and water.  I thrilled at riding the waver runners at full speed careful to not turn so sharp this time that I got thrown off.

Now I want to get the stand up jet ski so I can practice my submarines.  The ones we have are just to big to get them to dive under the waves.
 I made the comment to Scott that I loved going to the lake (any water will do)  and that I don't think its possible to have a bad day at the lake.  The realist that he his said of course you could have a bad day at the lake.  Then he went on to list all the things that could go wrong.  lets just say I choose to ignore those possibilities and I reiterate there is no such thing as a bad day at the lake.
poor Hyrum and his broken arm

this is how you know you had a good day at the lake

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