Scott and I went to the BYU/Utah game this weekend. He was so excited. He woke Sat. morning jumped out of bed and stated sifting through his closet trying to decide which BYU shirt to wear. Then he laid the rest out for me to chose one. I calmly let him know that I'm sure I could find a blue shirt to wear. We got our tickets on ebay at a steal for $100 a piece. They were great tickets 11th row. As we walked from our car to the stadium we got more jeers than I care to admit to. Shouts of go away, and plenty of BOOO's and other comments I don't care to repeat were thrown our way. I have to admit I was getting a little nervous. The stadium began to fill with bodies and all I saw was a sea of red. Where was all the blue? They eventually came, all 200 of them not including the marching band. I was relieved to find the opposing fans sitting next to us were harmless. I can't say the same for the fans a few seats over. It was quite the experience. Some fans were totally crazy. The good kind of crazy. This one guy in front of us would randomly turn around and shout "GO UTAH WOOOOO!" The poor lady in the seat behind him needed a face mask to protect her from all his spit. Then there was the hugger. A lady that got very friendly with anyone wearing red. In this case I'm glad we wore blue. Then there were the insane fans reeking of alcohol and swearing up a storm. Lets just say the atmosphere was very different from a BYU home game. I almost said something but I knew Scott wouldn't approve. Sometimes my mouth gets away from me and he is sure I am going to get him beat up some day.
The weather could not have been more than perfect.

Neither of the teams played very well. The refs threw out about 50 flags and everyone seemed to have butter fingers. They whole experience was a learning one for me. I really don't know much about football and I kept asking Scott what things meant. I am sure he would have had more fun with one of the guys but I was grateful he wanted to take me. Thanks babe I had a good time with you even if we didn't win.
the spitter |
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