
Thursday, November 8, 2012


While in St. George its tradition that we go to Tuacahn.  This time around we went to see Thriller.  Now I have seen Thriller ages ago back when I was in college and I loved it.  Of course I love anything to do with dance and Thriller is put on by Odyssey's dance group.  We had quite the group.  My mom, dad, sister Steph her hubby Matt and her son Shane.  I never understand this kids sense of dress.  In the cold weather he was wearing shorts and eating a frozen lemonade when the rest of us were ordering hot chocolate. My sister Amy and her Jared, Scott's mom Kathy and his sister Tracie.  It was so long ago that I first saw Thriller that I didn't remember what it was about but we were all excited.  This was Scott's first time going to Tuacahn.  All these times I have been I don't know how I hadn't dragged him with me but he was equally excited to go.
As we drive up to the outdoor theater creepy images of ghost's, spiders, and other macabre things are displayed on the mountain of rocks surrounding the area.  As we tentatively wait for the show to start, zombies are walking all around eager to scare anyone and everyone.  They never said a word just walked around sneaking up behind people and following them around.  Just enough scare factor to get you in the mood but not too scary to make you run away.  
Now I have mixed feelings about the actual show.  The dancing and choreography were really good it's the subject matter that had me question my mind set.  For instance there was an Irish dancer number.  My favorite number that was done.   As it starts a row of girls are doing their Irish dancing ever so perfectly when a shot rings out and one of the dancers drops to the floor.  As true entertainers that they are the show must go on so they continue to dance.  The dancers get picked off one by one, falling to the floor as the "bullet" makes contact.  I was laughing so hard when I stopped myself and thought "What kind of a sick person am I that I find this so funny."  I mean it was meant to be funny but I was a little off kilter wondering why this was so funny.  That being said, I would watch that number over and over again. (does that make me a psycho?)
Another favorite number of mine was the skeleton tap number.  Surprise surprise I loved a tap number.  It was done with black lights so it literally looked like skeletons tapping and occasionally one body part would get away from one of the skeletons causing a rush of laughter.  It was very tastefully done and extra cute.  I would also have to say the Frankenstein and Bride of Frankenstein was super cute.  It was a ballet number that took more talent that I could ever guess.  The way the bride flopped like a rag doll was uncanny.  So talented really it totally made the number. 

During intermission we headed off to the restroom.  we found the line way too long so we scouted out the other restroom when we found these tape people sculptures.  Really pretty cool they were made totally out of tape.  the mom in me that guards her tape under lock and key thought  oh man look at all that tape how many rolls did they use?  The artist in me loved it.  They were a little creepy but would have been really fun to make. Tuacahn is always a good experience.

tape people

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