
Friday, November 9, 2012

Halloween a bust

10 times better with face paint right.

Halloween this year was a bust.  I was so disappointed because it is normally one of my favorite holidays.  I love to come up with costume and party ideas but his year it just seemed like one more thing I have to do. I didn't even have time to do a party. To start off my kids all wanted to be characters from the cartoon Avatar the Last Airbender. I searched high and low at DI for articles that I could alter to make the costumes as true to life as possible.  Once I found just the right pieces I began altering and sewing to make the 3 main characters.  However when it came time to actually wear a costume anywhere my kids had a change of heart.  I was so frustrated.  Why do we put forth so much effort only for it to be cast aside.  I learned my lesson this year.  Next year they will have to search in the costume closet.  First up was the church Halloween party.  Now I realize that our ward is new to Halloween parties but considering what we came from (The most amazing Halloween party throwing ward ever!!!) its kind of a let down.  After arriving my kids asked if we could go back to the California ward.  Santa Clarita knows how to do Halloween.  Then we had the school costume parade. My boys just had to wear dragon costumes from the dress up box, but they refused to let me paint their faces so to me the costumes looked kind of lame. As for trick-or-treating our neighborhood is a joke.  Peter and Will finally let me paint their faces for this one don't they look cute?   Anyway  half the people are not home and only 1/4 of the ones that are home celebrate.  My kids got excited when we came upon this house totally decked out in Halloween decor. However when we knocked on the door they opened it and told us that they weren't doing Halloween this year and rudely told us to go away.  Seriously?  I couldn't believe it.  Why all the lawn decor and then WHY open your door.  Turn off your porch light if you don't want trick-or-treater's people.  
my dad
my mom
my super hero's
I would have to say the only upside to this years Halloween was my brother and his spook alley.  This year they set up a spook alley in their back yard that was just scary enough.
 I guess there's always next year.
the cutest spiderman ever

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