
Friday, November 23, 2012

Tran Siberian Orchestra

 I am another year older but I don't really feel it.  However I did notice that I called a college coed a boy so maybe I'am getting a little older.  I had to ask my sister how old she was so I could figure out how old I was.   My mom never fretted about getting older, she has always been young and spry so I feel the same way.  What difference does it make how old I am as long as I am happy and doing well.
This year to celebrate my birthday Scott and I went to Tran Siberian Orchestra.  It was an amazing light show.  I was a tiny bit disappointed that they didn't play some of my favorite songs but the whole thing was pretty cool. Its kind of like a rock concert meets a light show meets Christmas.  The story was very Hallmark-esk.  I happen to love those cheesy Hallmark movies so that was all fine with me.  The lights were amazing and the singers could have been better.  I guess I was just hoping that when they sang the Christmas cannon a children's choir would come out and sing.  That didn't happen they just used their lead ladies.  The pianists were over the top.  In a good way. I couldn't believe some of the numbers they did.  Their fingers had to be sore at the end of the night.  And we could tell that it was all live. No prerecorded music or singers.  So I was impressed with the musicians.
 There were a few people in the crowd that were a little extra interesting.  Some random drunk guy behind us kept shouting odd phrases during the quiet parts.  But nothing vulgar so that was okay just a little weird. 
During one song they made it snow in the venue but with the lights it looked like glitter, a really awesome effect in person.  It was a fun night.  Thank you sweetie, I always have a good time with you.

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