
Monday, November 12, 2012

to Zermatt with love

For our 13th anniversary this year Scott booked us a weekend at the Zermatt resort in Midway. Knowing how much I love Swiss Days and all it entails this was a win win. As I thought on it this was only the 2nd time  that I have ever left the kids overnight with someone other than Scott.  I asked my generous sister Stephanie if she would be willing to take in my brood and she was more than happy to, completely eliminating my worries or guilt about pawning off my children.  I thank you for that Steph and Matt.  With all my little ducks left in capable hands I was free to fully relax and enjoy the weekend.  And relax and enjoy we did.  As we pulled up to the resort we were instantly transported to another place.  The resort itself so true to character from where its influence came from.  There was even yodeling playing in the speakers near the entrance.  All the service people were in traditional Swiss garb giving it that little something extra.  I loved the architecture and colors against the mountainous backdrop.
We first explored the resort finding a carousel and quaint little pond that we could imagine ice skating on when it froze. We headed to dinner at Z Chop Haus.  Can I just say everything was to die for.  We started off with a Gruyere fondue that  was incredibly sinful.  Wow  I couldn't get enough.  The whole experience was top notch.  There was even a live pianist who happen to play everything that I would love.  I almost asked Scott if he sent her my piano playlist but I knew better.  Lets just say, that pianist and I had the exact same taste in music and how it should be played.  I was in love.. . .Scott was amazing too. We took our dessert back to our room for later and when we finally got to tasting them I was so happy we got 2 because I didn't want to share, it was that good.
indoor pool
 After we digested a little we headed over the the pool.  What a neat effect.  The lighting made it look like you were swimming under the Aurora Borialis.  
The next day we headed over to the Cowboy festival in Heber.  Ready for some good ol' fashioned cowboy poetry.  I have never laughed so hard as when listening to cowboy poetry.  Walking through all the booths I felt the longing for days gone by when I used to go riding with my dad and best friend Kortnee before I developed my allergies to these amazing animals.  My dad and I had a standing date every weekend to go horse back riding just the two of us.  I loved this time with my dad.  Kortnee and I would take the horses out to explore and race up the mountain.  I had such good times riding that once in a while I want to hop back on a take off up the mountain reaching places I wouldn't normally reach on my own 2 feet totally ignoring the watery itchy eyes and hives that pop up on any exposed skin. The cowgirl in me was coming to the surface faster than I could control her.
 It was a wonderful weekend.  So here's to my sweet heart and best friend. I love that I can still spend all day with him and not get tired of him.  We have so much fun playing together and just hanging out.  Even if he is turning me into more of a nerd.   I love you sweetie thanks for 13 great years I am looking forward to many more!!!!

rambling Jack

can you guess which one is not a statue?

sourdough slim

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