
Thursday, November 8, 2012

Halloween carnival

Brennen trying his luck

After hiking in Snow Canyon we went out for shakes at Iceberg.  While we were enjoying the delicious mini shakes that are actually the size of an extra large we found this little booklet that told of all things happening in St. George.  We read about this little Halloween carnival and thought we would try it out.  It was your typical local fare (I meant that kind of fare) It was a change of scenery for the kids.  There were all kinds of games and prizes with "interesting/very amateur" entertainment.  But we always find a way to have fun.  I personally was content to sit and enjoy the sunshine.  Sometimes I think I must be part lizard because of all the sun I crave.  There was one booth that had an obstacle course that turned into a competition of the cousins, all in good fun.  The great thing about our big family is that we all get along and we can turn anything into fun so that others want to see what all the ruckus is about.  There was a stupid golf game where you could win a goldfish.  All the parents said NO! so grandpa did the grandpa thing and gave the kids money until they won some goldfish.  As we all cheered them on 3 fish were one much to the parents dismay.  The sweet moment  was when Jackson said Hyrum could have his fish because it was just going to die.  Then Shane told Jackson he could have his fish because they didn't need 3.  And Paul notice how sad Peter was so he gave his fish to him totally making his day. Its times like this when you think "Hey maybe we aren't dong such a bad job as parents."  
waiting in anticipation for their turn
Shane and Kelsey racing away

I know this picture of the balloon man is random but it has a funny story.  As Scott and I were driving to find a red box in St. George we had the radio cranked.  I love to have the music all encompassing as I watch life, its like having a soundtrack to life and everything is better with music.  We were currently listening to "Some nights" by the band called Fun. As I rocked out to the upbeat music I notice this balloon man who is dancing to the music.  Not really, but he looks like he is dancing to the music perfectly.  When it gets to the part where the highest notes are sung and he says a come onnnnn The balloon man  rises to his highest height and spreads his arms up toward the sky.  It was so funny to me I just kept laughing.  Scott thought I was crazy but now every time  I see a balloon man that's all can think of and a chuckle is sure to surface.

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