
Friday, November 23, 2012


the famous meat and cheese tray
This year my birthday fell on Thanksgiving again.  Not really the best day to have a birthday, sometimes I feel like Happy Birthday Jane, now do all this work.  Thanksgiving is not really my favorite holiday not even in the top five.  That being said the plus side to having your birthday on Thanksgiving is that everyone gets together for your birthday.  (funny side note I share my birthday with my sister-in-law Sarah Jane who married my brother Scott) Let's just say the lady at the bakery was very confused when my mom asked her to write happy birthday Sarah Jane and Jane on the cake.
My brother-in-law Matt came up with a great idea to have all the men cook all the food this year.  Great concept although I will admit I helped a lot with our assignments.  When Matt annouced this new tradition Scott asked "wait, what?  who's idea was this?"  Matt told him it was Scott's idea.  Scott was very confused.  "When did I come up with this idea?"  He asked.  Matt said, "when we came to visit you guys in California you did the cooking and then when you hosted it last year you did the cooking. So it's all you pal."  
Scott (my Scott) had a good idea this year to make Thanksgiving a little more special.  He asked me if I would make a movie of all the things we are thankful for this year with pictures of everyone in the family and what they are thankful for.  Great idea, it's a lot of work but a great idea so I set about my new task. Luckily I take a lot of pictures and I have some of nearly everyone, I did ask that everyone email me some pics so that helped. It also helped that we all do A LOT of things together.  It's always a crowd but we have fun in any situation.  I am so grateful that my family all get along so well that we love spending time together.  I was pretty happy with how the movie turned out but I was even more happy watching my family enjoy it.
All the kids loved seeing themselves on TV and remembering the things we did that year. It made all the hours I spent on the movie worth it.  It was so cute to see them get excited and praise each other on each new slide.
Thanksgiving was a success.  We all fit in my parents house and the food was delicious, and the company even better. My very creative mother came up with a clue hunt for the big kids and a treasure ball for the little ones.  The big kids had a hard time following directions but on the plus side it kept them busy for a long time.

good buddies just hanging out

look at these pretty girls

treasure ball

  I am so thankful for so many things in my life it would take a few pages to write them all down but this year marking a full year back here in Utah I am most thankful for family.  I am thankful that we all get along, and thankful that we all live close.  I am slowly learning that not all families are like mine.  I am extra blessed.  If everyone could have a family like mine the world would be a much better place.

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