
Friday, November 23, 2012


A few weeks ago Brennen was noticing a birthmark he has on his leg.  As he was studying it he looked at me with a very concerned look.  Then he asked, "Mom, what's this thing on my leg?"  To which I stated matter-of-factly, "oh, that's a birthmark."  He gave me a quizzical look then with dawning on his face he said "Oh that's the mark that Jesus put on me to know who I am"
I thought his answer was very appropriate.  Why shouldn't that be the reason for a birthmark other than a benign irregularity on the skin.
Tonight as Brennen was in the bath he noticed his birthmark again and told me in a sweet and serious tone,   "Heavenly Father knew I was special so he marked me right, so he would know who was Brennen."  From the mouths of babes.  I am so blessed to be the mother of these wonderful children that know who they are and how special they are. Yes Brennen, I am sure Heavenly Father marked you because you are special!  I love you buddy.

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