
Saturday, January 9, 2016

Zoorassic Park June 2015

With the new Jurassic Park movie coming out the Zoo put on their "Zoorassic" park event.  They had a ton of animatronic dinosaur's all throughout the zoo.  Some were so realistic looking you had to take a second look.
I think the kids had more fun playing the the dinosaurs than they did looking at the real animals.
It is so great when you can give your kids these opportunities to explore and learn new things.  I am glad we are so blessed to do so many things together as a family.
As we got near the T-Rex there was this little boy who was just bursting with excitement.  He spotted the giant lizard and running as fast as his little legs could carry him was shouting "T-Rex. T-Rex, T-Rex..." He was just so cute.  Once he got to the feet of the dinosaur he just stared up in awe.  That is until the T-Rex came to life and then he slightly terrified slightly over the moon.
I was waiting patiently for this sweet elephant to give me just the right shot.  My patience was rewarded and she gave me the perfect pose.

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