
Saturday, January 9, 2016

Ellie Trek July 2015

This girl of mine got to go on Pioneer trek with the youth in our ward this year.  I made her apron and bloomers but thankfully we found the dress and her other outfit at DI. The bonnet we did buy from a lady that makes them specifically for trek but I was more than happy to pay a couple of bucks so I didn't have to do it.  We talked a lot about when I went on trek.  I was lucky enough to go on 2 treks as a youth.  As I was relating my experiences she was so disappointed to learn that hers wasn't going to be nearly as physically demanding as mine was.
When I went we hiked until 2 am the first day, making camp under the stars after we had our dinner of broth and a roll.  The next morning we got grits for breakfast which I really couldn't stand so I gave mine to Matt Reeves.  He grew up on the stuff so he was loving life.  For lunch that day we just got an orange.  We also got to kill and pluck our own turkey for our big "Sunday"dinner and we were only allowed water at certain times.  They really tried to make it as authentic as possible.
Now days apparently they can't let the youth do any of that. Ellie was mad about that.  She said they had more food then they knew what to do with.  That being said she did have a good time.  She was able to feel the spirit and appreciate some of the things the pioneer had to go through. 

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