
Friday, January 8, 2016

BYU Kickoff Day Aug 2015

BYU was haveing their sports kick off day and we wanted to be a part of if.We decided to make a night of it and have dinner down there then head off to the festivities.  We ate at Brick Oven Pizza which the kids enjoyed.  The boys friend Hunter really wanted to tag along.  Hes a pretty good kid so I was fine with him joining us. He is such a fan that he was good as gold. The kids loved it and Scott was like a kid in a candy store.  They tried out all the different sports talked to the players got a bunh of autographs and freebies.
Ellie got the entire womans volleyball team to sign their poster which we then gave to a girl in Young Womans who happends to be a great volleyball player.
I tried my hand at throwing a football.  We were supposed to throw it in a blow up target that was about 20 feet off the ground and 20 feet away.  They had 2 football sizes.  The gal asked which one I would like, I asked for the smaller one.  Turns out I don't know my own strength  I threw that ball way over the intended target.  She laughed and then handed me the larger football and said I should try one more my size.  I came much closer with this one but didn't quite get it in the hole.  Everyone was more than happy to laugh at my huge throw. Truth be told I was fine with it.  as long as my family is happy then I am happy.
The boys have recently started football so they were excited.  When Brennen went through the line of football players to get their autographs they asked what position he would like to play.  He responded with  "Full back"  Everyone of their reactions was the same.  A deep chuckle with a knowing nod and a oh  ya.  

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