
Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Scottish Festival June 2015

The Scottish Festival is something my family looks forward to every year.  We originally started going to the one down in Payson but since they moved one up to Thanksgiving point and it is so much closer we have attended that one.  This year my kids (all 5 of them) have been saving their money so that they could buy a sword.  Scott was really eyeing one last year and I think he regretted buying it so this year he was prepared. He a bought replica Glamdring from Lord of the Rings "the foe hammer".  The rest of my nerd group could not be outdone so they each got a "real" sword.  I did find this flag in the sword booth and there are not many things that I have to have but this was one of them.  I have the same sticker on the back of my car. it says "The beatings will continue until moral improved".
 I wonder if the neighbors will hate me if I put it up in my front yard?
When we first walked through the gates we came across this Scottish Boba Fett.  The kids thought he was so cool
They have all the Highland games at this festival.  We always feel like the Caber toss is the most impressive.  This year we learned how they score it.  If you flip it over you want it to be right at 12 o'clock.  If it is any degrees either way you don't get as many points.  The person closest to 12 o'clock wins.  This year they didn't have the mini version of Caber toss for the kids to try but they did have sword fighting.
Since all my boys have been practicing their sword fighting for real they were prepared.  It was nice to see all those MMA lessons paying off.  William had excellent form and Brenny didn't back down.  I think the guy was a bit taken aback by Peter.  He didn't expect him to be as aggressive and good as he was.  I think they all could have spent hours at the sword fighting, it did help that they just got swords and wanted to prove what they could do.
For the record they didn't use their recently acquired swords for this sparing they used the practice swords provided.

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