
Friday, January 8, 2016

St George Fun Aug 2015

Scott and I really wanted to do a St. George trip with everyone before the summer was over.  kind of like a one last hurrah.  We found this great house that would accommodate everybody and all their kids but it was hard to get people to commit.  This is often a problem in my family. It almost feels like they are waiting for a better offer.  At this point we didn't really care.  We wanted to go so we just went for it.  The Johnsons joined us and so did the Groteguts.  Scotties family was on the fence until the day of but they eventually made it.  We were a little frustrated with people because if they weren't going to come we could have invited friends but no one would commit to yes or no.
The trip turned out to be great. We hung out at the house which had a great pool and hot tub.  Not to mention a cool theater room and outdoor theater.  There was plenty of space for everyone so It was really the perfect house for all of us.
We went hiking in Zion's national park where we found this great spot to play in the water.  It was filled with these little frogs so the kids had a blast catching them and it had a place to jump off so the grown ups were having fun as well.  We spent the majority of our time there while we played in the water on the rocks and in the sand with our little picnic.  I think next time we will spend a little more time exploring this beautiful place.
Our little family also drove out to the glitter pit.  The only map we could find was a picture online that someone drew on a napkin.  So our fist attempt to get there was a little more adventurous that we had planned.  We were basically four wheeling it through this very rough terrain that was probably just an ATV trail.  We can to a spot where the spirit told Scott and I that we should turn back.  Again we are so thankful for the spirit in our lives.  We turned around and tried another route.  This one turned out to be the right one and a lot less adventurous.  Once we rounded the corner there it was this shining gleaming mound of crystal.  It was pretty cool.  The way the whole thing sparkled in the sunlight with the red rock cliffs as its background.  Southern Utah is really a beautiful place.  The kids got out and started to mine the rock running jumping and exploring.  I was amazed at the temperature difference.  The day was really quite nice but in the pit with the sun reflecting off all those crystals it was about 10 degrees warmer.
Scott Ellie and I took a night to go see Beauty and the Beast.  I thought the costumes were so inventive.  You had to pay attention but as the time went buy the costumes changed so the people became more and more like the objects.  For instance Cogsworth only had a very small hat on his head but as the play went on his headpiece got bigger and bigger and he developed a windup key.  What at creative touch.   
We had all decided it was too short of a trip but we were thankful we could make it happen.

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