
Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Laughing Babies April 2014-July 2015

There is nothing sweeter than a laughing baby.  For some reason most babies and children love me.  Often strange children come up to me and just follow me around, or they do that stare thing.  Its as if they really want to tell you something but they can't form the words.  Scott says it is because babies can see our spirits and I must have a good that they are drawn to. Its a sweet thought.
I chalk it up to my patriarchal blessing that says my mission in life is to be a mother in Israel. At first I thought that meant I should have a lot of children but as I grow in spiritual things I now believe that it means that I am to be like a mother to all.  To love all of Gods children as a mother would and help or bless them any way I can.
Sometimes I see some mothers that are confused or jealous by my gift and I try to ease their concerns.  It doesn't always work the way I would like but I am not too concerned about it.  They will find their peace with it eventually.
I am at peace with this interpretation of my blessing and hopefully I can do as the Lord would have me do.  I find that I really do love these children and maybe that is what they see when they look at me.
Whatever the case I find joy in these precious spirits. 

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