
Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Bridal Veil Falls July 2015

It was such a nice day I thought I would take my kids for a picnic up at Bridal Veil Falls. We stopped at Zuppa's to pick up some lunch for our picnic. The place was kind of crowded so we found a couple of benches near the river to scarf down our food because really we just wanted to play in the waterfall.  Once our tummy's were full, we headed up the trail to the waterfall. The water was pretty cold but it wasn't gushing like crazy so we were able to climb up the waterfall today.  It felt so good to put our feet in that cold cold water.  Ellie and William climbed almost to the top while Peter Brennen and I climbed halfway looking for some special stones.  I think Brennen was most impressed with the fish.
I tried to teach my boys how to skip stones across the little jetty where the fish were.  I made sure they knew how to find the nice smooth flat stones for the best result.  The little boys and I practiced skipping our stones for about 15 minutes while we waited for Ellie and William to finish their hike up the top.  The little guys even got a few stones to skip.
This is really a beautiful place that we are blessed to live in.  I am so thankful I am able to take some time and let me kids experience it.

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