
Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Yuba Lake Fun July 2015

Have I mentioned that I love the lake?  I think I have mentioned it once or twice.  For this trip we invited some friends down to the lake but it looked like the weather was not going to cooperate.  They were having a sand castle competition and that took up a large part of the nice beach so we had a spot that was less than great.  I felt bad that we were in a bad spot when we invited friends.  We also invited the rest of the crew but you never know if they are going to show up.  My family has been really non committal lately it gets a little frustrating.  
We hesitated even launching the wave runner because of a large storm cell over head.  I said we should just go for it.  We  launched them and the kids played in the water even though it was a little chilly.  After some time our friends called it and decided to head home.  I hate to say it but once they left the storm blew over and it was a perfect rest of the day.  
Stephanie and her family did end up coming and then we had a great time.  Mostly because the sun came out.  We got this new board called a Zup board its a cross between a knee board, a wake board, a boogie board, and a water ski.  I thought this would be a great way to introduce my kids to learning how to ski.
They start out on their bellies then pull themselves to their knees.  If they want they can just hold onto the handles while on their knees.  If they decided they have that down they can pull the rope off the hook and treat it like a knee board having control to steer any way you want.  Once you have that down you can choose to try the surf board/wake board/ski option.
It took a little convincing but once I got the kids on it they never wanted to get off.

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