Brennen has some of the funniest words for things. For instance, Ellie brought home a Darth Vader transformer for him from school. He was playing with it transformed it and then said "Hey mom look at Hopper. " I was a little confused what's a hopper I ask him. He holds up Darth and says "this guy."
"Oh buddy his name is Darth Vader."
"No its not!!"
"I'm pretty sure it is."
"NO mom, 'cause he always says Ho-pper, Ho-pper." (Brennen makes Darth Vader's breath sounds with the word Hopper)
"Your right buddy what was I thinking."
So from now on Darth Vader is Hopper
Lemonade is Yuminade 'cause its so yummy
Mickin Chicken means he wants Mickey Mouse chicken (chicken nuggets shaped like mickey mouse.) Peter calls them/him Geeky house.
Alphabet is AlphaPET
The color white is wipe
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